Haines and Skagway’s Finest

Fishing – Scenic Wildlife – Specialty Charters

Our Charters

Fishing Charters

We Love Fishing! Bring your family for a magical day in search of the big ones! We’ll use our full bag of tricks and hit all the hottest spots aboard our new high speed catamaran, the Carpe Diem!

Scenic/Wildlife Tours

An intimate tour of the longest and deepest fjord on the continent and the most breathtaking scenery of the inside passage. We deliver the best experience possible, with a keen eye for wildlife and a vessel built for comfort and safety in all conditions.

Our boat

Specialty Charters

Perfect for large groups or special events or anyone who needs a safe fast boat and a professional crew for a few hours. Let us know what we can do for you.

The Carpe Diem

Our new vessel, the Carpe Diem is a 32 ft. Pacific Seasport, “a uniquely designed boat…a high speed, stable, and efficient ride…reduces side rolls and pitching from wave action” in other words — comfortable.

For years we have stood by our saying “If I wouldn’t take my family out, then I won’t take yours.” Alaska’s weather can be temperamental. We only leave the dock if we are confident that we can have a great trip. But things can change quickly. Crew awareness and having the right vessel for the conditions let us provide you with a first-class experience regardless of the weather.

The Carpe Diem is inspected by the U.S. Coast Guard so you can be assured the vessel is safe and has all appropriate safety gear. The 25 knot cruising speed means we get to cover a lot of area increasing our chances catching fish and spotting wildlife.

preview the charter boat
Same values, different name

Welcome to Carpe Diem Excursions, formerly known as Haines Family Fishing Charters.

The world is changing and so are we! We’ve learned that we need to be more flexible to meet your needs, faster and more independent to accommodate your schedule. We expanded and evolved to fill the demand for professional marine excursions and services beyond fishing. We upgraded our vessels and equipment. We changed our name to match our new motto but we’re still Heather, Asanti and Rigel Sanborne. We began as Skagway Salmon Fishing, moved to Haines, started a family and we are blessed to be in our 10th year fishing, touring, making friends and lifelong memories with families from all over the world.

2 charter boat with lounging, smiling, waving guests in calm Alaska waters
Out with the old
In with the new


We’ve got the answers. Chances are we can get you sorted. Heather can answer your questions about schedules and logistics, our charters or things to do after your charter.

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